Before we get into details about the theory test, let me just say that it took me three, yes three years before i fully committed myself to booking the god damn thing. Now your probably saying why did it take that long? Well if you want the answer, I had other things going on at the time.
Prepping for the Test and why it's not as big a deal as you might think. I think the reason I put it off for so long was because i was building it up to be something that it really isn't. And its no big deal either, if you fail the first time round all you have to do is study harder for the next time and your garunteed to pass the test.
However a word of advice that will come in handy when you book your test; Make Sure you have the Up to Date version of the CD/Book as it will make a huge difference to your final results when you get the sheet with passed or fail on it.